Saturday, July 2, 2022

Discursive definition

Discursive definition
Discursive Definitions | What does discursive mean? | Best 7 Definitions of Discursive
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Formation discursive,

(latin scolastique discursivus, de discursus, discours) 1. Qui repose sur le raisonnement, procède par le raisonnement, par opposition à intuitif. Contraire: intuitif 2. En linguistique, qui se rapporte au discours, à l'analyse de discours. VOUS CHERCHEZ PEUT-ÊTRE discursif adj discursive / (dɪˈskɜːsɪv) / adjective passing from one topic to another, usually in an unmethodical way; digressive philosophy of or relating to knowledge obtained by reason and The discursive essay is a formal essay that requires a formal tone. This means that you’ll write in third person point of view to evaluate arguments and express your opinion. You’ll also need to use formal word choices to keep the tone of your essay in check. In other words, don’t write this

DISCURSIVE | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
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(latin scolastique discursivus, de discursus, discours) 1. Qui repose sur le raisonnement, procède par le raisonnement, par opposition à intuitif. Contraire: intuitif 2. En linguistique, qui se rapporte au discours, à l'analyse de discours. VOUS CHERCHEZ PEUT-ÊTRE discursif adj discursive. (dɪˈskɜːsɪv) adj. 1. passing from one topic to another, usually in an unmethodical way; digressive. 2. (Philosophy) philosophy of or relating to knowledge obtained by reason and argument rather than intuition. Compare dianoetic  · discursive. (dɪˈskɜːsɪv) adjective. 1. passing from one topic to another, usually in an unmethodical way; digressive. 2. philosophy. of or relating to knowledge obtained by reason and argument rather than intuition. Compare dianoetic. Collins English Dictionary

Discursive psychology - Wikipedia
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Discursive Sentence Examples

Discursive psychology is a form of discourse analysis that focuses on psychological themes in talk, text, and images. As a counter to mainstream psychology's treatment of discourse as a "mirror" for people's expressions of thoughts, intentions, motives, etc., DP's founders made the case for picturing it instead as a "construction yard" wherein all such presumptively prior and discursive. (dɪˈskɜːsɪv) adj. 1. passing from one topic to another, usually in an unmethodical way; digressive. 2. (Philosophy) philosophy of or relating to knowledge obtained by reason and argument rather than intuition. Compare dianoetic discursive / (dɪˈskɜːsɪv) / adjective passing from one topic to another, usually in an unmethodical way; digressive philosophy of or relating to knowledge obtained by reason and

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Discursive is an adjective from the word discourse and may refer specifically to: Discursive complex, a methodological device in psychoanalysis Discursive democracy, any system of political decisions based on some tradeoff of consensus decision making and representative democracy Discursive meditation, in Christian prayer discursive. (dɪˈskɜːsɪv) adj. 1. passing from one topic to another, usually in an unmethodical way; digressive. 2. (Philosophy) philosophy of or relating to knowledge obtained by reason and argument rather than intuition. Compare dianoetic 1 a: moving from topic to topic without order: rambling gave a discursive lecture discursive prose. b: proceeding coherently from topic to topic. 2 philosophy: marked by a method of

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Origin of discursive

Discursive psychology is a form of discourse analysis that focuses on psychological themes in talk, text, and images. As a counter to mainstream psychology's treatment of discourse as a "mirror" for people's expressions of thoughts, intentions, motives, etc., DP's founders made the case for picturing it instead as a "construction yard" wherein all such presumptively prior and discursive / (dɪˈskɜːsɪv) / adjective passing from one topic to another, usually in an unmethodical way; digressive philosophy of or relating to knowledge obtained by reason and Discursive is an adjective from the word discourse and may refer specifically to: Discursive complex, a methodological device in psychoanalysis Discursive democracy, any system of political decisions based on some tradeoff of consensus decision making and representative democracy Discursive meditation, in Christian prayer

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